Cinema 4D Explorations - 3D Animation

Cinema 4D Explorations - 3D Animation

The project tries to reflect that overwhelming feeling of stress, chaos, and the inability to cope. That overwhelming sensation that the world is crashing down on you and you can't handle everything... This is how "Overwhelming" was born.

To convey this abstract concept, I was inspired by the marble runs we used to play with in nursery school. The idea was as follows: the marbles represented the projects, arriving non-stop, sometimes all at once and sometimes one by one. The "channels" through which the marbles run represent the steps of a simplified project methodology: Analyze, Research, Conceptualize, Design. The final container where some of the marbles fall represents the completed projects, in such a way that a finished project has gone through all the steps.

Finally, the marbles that are lost along the way represent the ideas that were discarded during the design process and didn't reach the final phases.